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荣誉化学精讲课 Honor Chemistry

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$120.00 – $1,200.00 (-0%)
授课老师拥有13年专业辅导AP化学的丰富经验。十分熟悉 AP Honor Chemistry 考试的要求和如何有效的进行备考准备。
- Obtain, evaluate, and com municate information about the use of the modern atomic
theory and periodic law to explain the characteristics of atoms and elements. - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the chemical and physical
properties of matter resulting from the ability of atoms to form bonds. - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how the Law of Conservation
of Matter is used to determine chemical composition in compounds and chemical
reactions. - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how to refine the design of a
chemical system by applying engineering principles to manipulate the factors that affect a
chemical reaction. - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the Kinetic Molecular Theory
to model atomic and molecular motion in chemical and physical processes. - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties that describe
solutions and the nature of acids and bases.
- Obtain, evaluate, and com municate information about the use of the modern atomic
Chapter 1: Matter and Measurement
Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Chapter 3: Stoichiometry
Chapter 4: Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry
Chapter 5: Thermochemistry
Chapter 6 & 7: Atomic Structure and Periodicity
Chapter 8 & 9: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry
Chapter 10: Gases
Chapter 11 & 12: Liquids and Solids
Chapter 13: Properties of Solutions
Chapter 14: Chemical Kinetics
Chapter 15: Chemical Equilibria
在上课前,请您确保和孩子做好以下的准备,以免耽误上课。- 家长们协助孩子安装上课软件 Zoom,协助孩子调试设备,方便进行线上学习。
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- 上课时学生 Zoom 镜头必须打开,让老师能看到学生。
- Zoom 的名字必须是报名上课孩子的名字,课堂只限已报名学生,否则老师将会要求离开课室进行调整。
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- 为保证课程顺利进行,工作人员将参与上课,进行协助和监督。
- 请家长监督孩子完成作业,按时在 Google Classroom 里提交给老师。
- 报名后无法成班将全额退款
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如果您对课程或老师有任何疑问,欢迎您通过以下方式联系客服。- 电子邮件:[email protected]
- 热线电话:+1 647-330-0329

适合年级 | 10年级, 11年级, 9年级 |
教学语言 | 英文教学 |
课程选择 | 第一期, 一对一试课, 一对一正式课程, 第二期 |
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